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لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ...

اذهب الى الأسفل

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... Empty لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ...

مُساهمة من طرف روبا الإثنين مايو 10, 2010 4:03 am

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... 5464564r

Metro 2033 (2010) Razor1911 Proper crack

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... Xb0jgn

Quote:Release Group: Razor1911
Release Name: Metro_2033_Proper-Razor1911
Release Date: March 16, 2010
Filename: rzr-2033
Source: DVD9
Size: 6.45 GB
Genre: First-Person Shooter
GameStats: 85.7/100
Published by: THQ
Developed by: 4A Games

An action-oriented combination of horror, survival, RPG, and shooting, all based on a story by Russian author Dmitriy Glukhovskiy.
The whole world lies in ruins. Humanity is almost annihilated. Due to the high-level of radiation cities became unsuitable for living. Humans have yielded the supremacy on Earth to a new species. Creatures mutated by radiation are more adapted to the changed world. There are only clusters of humans left on the planet … At least, that’s what the ten thousand survivors camped out in the various sections of the Moscow metro must believe, since they have no evidence that they are not the last ones alive. And now, even this way of life is being threatened by the evolved evil from outside. As Artem, you set out from the first invaded colony, fighting through a society of divided by desperate politics, ideologies and economies to warn the rest and reach the Polis stronghold before everything is destroyed.

Install Instructions

1) Open rzr-2033.001 with WinRAR and extract the image
2) Mount image through Daemon Tools
Start the installation (Installer.exe), when requesting SID-file – Specify the path to the mounted disk
4) Wait for the complete extraction
5) Copy the entire contents of the folder Razor1911 (on the mounted disk) to a folder with a game (substitute)
6) Play!

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... 2jbjq7a

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... Osaljo

لعبة Metro 2033 2010 الاستراتيجية القتالية بانفراد بين ايديكم ... F1dw9g



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انثى عدد المساهمات : 439
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/04/2010

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