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3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط

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3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط Empty 3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط

مُساهمة من طرف روبا الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 2:53 am

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3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط B4gf3c

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اللعبه مليئه بالمغامرات والمراحل والشخصيات المختلفه و الشيقه وهى نسخه كامله وبحجم صغير جداا 96.38 MB

3D Ultra Mini Golf: Adventures - a real return of three-dimensional mini-golf course in a series of 3D Ultra. Cartoon characters and colorful locations will raise the mood of anyone. Regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you'll play one of 4 stylish players. In this game you have to go through 36 levels of fun, filled with various plants, bunkers, bridges across rivers and other obstacles. In the game you can choose 1 of 3 levels of design options: classic, Wild West, or Outer Space. And so it is possible to build your own levels with the built-in editor.
* Carefully Crafted 3-D Courses - Sweeping, panoramic views of the holes and mind-bending course designs.
* 4-Person Multiplayer Mode - Choose from 4 highly detailed playable characters, each with their own personality and distinctive animations.
* 36 Challenging Holes - Based on three major themes: Classic Carnival, The Old West, or Outer Space with unlockable bonus settings for added replayability.
* Creative Game Additions - Collect over-the-top power-ups and avoid imaginative traps to keep the game pace exciting and unpredictable.
* Customizable Course Editor - Build your own course design by mixing and matching combinations of tees, straights, corners, cups, junctions and ramps.

3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط Hvcnbt

* Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* Processor: Pentium 700 MHz
* DirectX 9.0c
* 256 MB RAM
* Free hard drive space: 50 MB
* Direct 3D 32MB DirectX 9.0c
* DirectX-compliant Sound Card

3D Ultra Mini Golf رائعه الجولف الشيقه بحجم 96 ميجا فقط 2luxb3t

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انثى عدد المساهمات : 439
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/04/2010

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